Saturday, April 10, 2010

Zombie Survival game idea for PSP?

No, I'm not trying to advertize a game.
Recently I've been playing this game. It's lots of fun but that's not my point.I think with the simplistic isometric design it could possibly be an excellent shooter idea for the PSP.Basic idea is this, you use the arrow keys to aim in 1 of 8 directions (which with an analog stick like the one on the PSP could be much much more).
You're constantly moving if you hold down a key, so there's a lot of run+turn+shoot+run action, but it still works just fine.
You're alone in the midst of a zombie horde (think kinda like left 4 dead, but this game doesn't have safehouses or objectives other than survival)You have several tools, amongst which are your pistol (with infinite ammo), a shotgun, a chaingun, a rocket launcher, grenades, and autoturrets which launch grenades and bullets. You also have objects like oil barrels (which explode when shot) and barricaides, which take a few hits to be destroyed but cant be walked through.So, you basically get kills, upgrade every one of your weapons (eventually unlock an airstrike, which is like a nuke) build a base, and survive as long as possible.
Add a few more objects and weapons, along with infrastructure or ad-hoc play for co-op, then add a few objectives and some other random fixes, this could be one of the best psp games ever.The viewpoint is isometric, so it's easier to tell what's going on than totally topdown kind of stuff. It reminds me of several tower defense games with the strategy what do ya'll think?Again, I'm NOT advertizing for this game or kongregate, i'm only showing you them so you know where i got my idea from.~SarcianZombie Survival game idea for PSP?
Thats cool. Really I love anythign with Zombies and Survival (Watch zombie movies regularly, played alot of Games pertaining to it) and would like any game that Zombie Survival (and decent of good) for the PSP. This concept is cool.Zombie Survival game idea for PSP?
Hmm... L4D style PSP game would be my ideal zombie survival... Quick missions, lotsa zombies, awesome co-op, just add in better versus online.
That game has already been ported to the PSP as homebrew I believe.
[QUOTE=''jedinat'']That game has already been ported to the PSP as homebrew I believe.[/QUOTE]

Well homebrew isn't exactly legal and can't be talked about here so it doesn't matter.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I say it should be like L4D, only with a Killzone Liberation style camera, that sounds like a great idea for me.
This already is on the PSP, but its homebrew. but still, its already been done and Boxheads is very old. I mean like 3-4 years old.
[QUOTE=''ColdP1zza'']This already is on the PSP, but its homebrew. but still, its already been done and Boxheads is very old. I mean like 3-4 years old.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but not to everyone that doesn't use homebrew. Hell we aren't even allowed to talk about homebrew here.
That idea would be amazing. Throw in a couple friends and thats hours of fun.
Hopefully not exactly like that game. I would get bored really quickly. I liked the idea of it being similar to style as Killzone Liberation. But throw in an open world to explore where you just survive, (though I suppose they could add missions given by other survivors) add some rpg type elements and make it where free to do many functions (for instance the ability to make other survivors team up with you and follow you, raid houses for items, set up different ways to kills zombies via traps) and that, at least for me, sounds like a great game. I'd buy it. :P
Cool. I'm not the only one. There are some additional ways to kill zombies in this but i agree.
I think the upgrade system could be redone majorly. Instead of it being arcadish and based off of kills, make it money based or something. So you can have guns (which all should have infinite ammo) and upgrades to them maybe like mass effect kind of stuff. I dunno, but it seems like it could have potential especially if valve got behind it. Yes, i AM advertizing for valve. I've never played one of their games once through.
So yeah, they're like the lay's potato chip for me. You cant play just ONE valve game. lol~Sarcian
hey! i agree with you. i also had this idea of creating a survival zombie game where you got a city, swamps, lake... in that game that i am thinking you can also have cars that can be customized by the player, weapons that can be only found through the game. i was also thinking that at the start of the game the player can create his or her character, also the player will need to find better weapons and armors and create his own base with allies so he can protect himself from zombies out brakes and others factions who wants to take other land for supplies and territories. so this game will be like gta san andreas but the same gameplays as resistance retribution.the story would be this: the player is a mercenary sent by the french authorities (for a change the game will be set in france) to investigate what is happening in the zone infested with zombies and discover the source of this scourge, the player will have to investigate by going from town to town by using transports that can be found around the zone. also the player will have to create or join a faction where he/she will be able to customized cars/weapons/gears and use allies to raid another town or going in a shopping mall infested withto find supplies. the player will have to find the source of this zombie out brake and discover a solution to put an end to it.this game will be huge and will contain an city, swamps, motorways, a lake, cars, boats, towns with survivors, a forest, weapons, gears and more. this will be i think the 1st surviving game ever created with a third person view. Still, i am praying for a company to create this game 'cause i think it's a great idea that will satisfy other players.what do you think of this idea??plz send me an e mail to or reply on this pagei guess my english how good enough XD
[QUOTE=''pepper0ni'']hey! i agree with you. i also had this idea of creating a survival zombie game where you got a city, swamps, lake... in that game that i am thinking you can also have cars that can be customized by the player, weapons that can be only found through the game. i was also thinking that at the start of the game the player can create his or her character, also the player will need to find better weapons and armors and create his own base with allies so he can protect himself from zombies out brakes and others factions who wants to take other land for supplies and territories. so this game will be like gta san andreas but the same gameplays as resistance retribution.the story would be this: the player is a mercenary sent by the french authorities (for a change the game will be set in france) to investigate what is happening in the zone infested with zombies and discover the source of this scourge, the player will have to investigate by going from town to town by using transports that can be found around the zone. also the player will have to create or join a faction where he/she will be able to customized cars/weapons/gears and use allies to raid another town or going in a shopping mall infested withto find supplies. the player will have to find the source of this zombie out brake and discover a solution to put an end to it.this game will be huge and will contain an city, swamps, motorways, a lake, cars, boats, towns with survivors, a forest, weapons, gears and more. this will be i think the 1st surviving game ever created with a third person view. Still, i am praying for a company to create this game 'cause i think it's a great idea that will satisfy other players.what do you think of this idea??plz send me an e mail to or reply on this pagei guess my english how good enough XD BY THE WAY THIS GAME WOULD BE FOR PSP AND OTHE PLATFORMS[/QUOTE]
Well the zombies I'd like to see the most on my PSP are from Raccoon City...
[QUOTE=''pepper0ni''][QUOTE=''pepper0ni'']hey! i agree with you. i also had this idea of creating a survival zombie game where you got a city, swamps, lake... in that game that i am thinking you can also have cars that can be customized by the player, weapons that can be only found through the game. i was also thinking that at the start of the game the player can create his or her character, also the player will need to find better weapons and armors and create his own base with allies so he can protect himself from zombies out brakes and others factions who wants to take other land for supplies and territories. so this game will be like gta san andreas but the same gameplays as resistance retribution.the story would be this: the player is a mercenary sent by the french authorities (for a change the game will be set in france) to investigate what is happening in the zone infested with zombies and discover the source of this scourge, the player will have to investigate by going from town to town by using transports that can be found around the zone. also the player will have to create or join a faction where he/she will be able to customized cars/weapons/gears and use allies to raid another town or going in a shopping mall infested withto find supplies. the player will have to find the source of this zombie out brake and discover a solution to put an end to it.this game will be huge and will contain an city, swamps, motorways, a lake, cars, boats, towns with survivors, a forest, weapons, gears and more. this will be i think the 1st surviving game ever created with a third person view. Still, i am praying for a company to create this game 'cause i think it's a great idea that will satisfy other players.what do you think of this idea??plz send me an e mail to or reply on this pagei guess my english how good enough XD BY THE WAY THIS GAME WOULD BE FOR PSP AND OTHE PLATFORMS[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]make it for psp only.. cause i don,t like double platform game
[QUOTE=''Darth_Tic-Tac'']Well the zombies I'd like to see the most on my PSP are from Raccoon City...[/QUOTE]yeah ! resident evil storyline is great

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