Im expecting the Long and great list of gamees for the PSP that they said they were going to annouce. I also look forward for them to end this whole PSP 2 or Go crap. I want them to offically say the status on this thing so people wouldn't get all upset or go crazy over JUST RUMORS. Also I would like them to annouce some great PS1 classics release date. (It was confirmed and shown on Joystic that Final Fantasy 7 and a few other PS1 games will come to the PSN in the U.S.) I want a release date now!(They will also most likely show some footage on already annouced games)what's at E3
[QUOTE=''DarkMaster7991'']Im expecting the Long and great list of gmaes for the PSP that they said they were going to annouce. I also look forward for them to end this whole PSP 2 or Go crap. I want them to offically say the status on this thing so people wouldn't get all upset or go crazy over JUST RUMORS. Also I would like them to annouce some great PS1 classics release date. (It was confirmed and shown on Joystic that Final Fantasy 7 and a few other PS1 games will come to the PSN in the U.S.) I want a release date now! (They will also most likely show some footage on alreadt annouced games)[/QUOTE]
This fine user has named it all :D.
[QUOTE=''DarkMaster7991'']Im expecting the Long and great list of gmaes for the PSP that they said they were going to annouce. I also look forward for them to end this whole PSP 2 or Go crap. I want them to offically say the status on this thing so people wouldn't get all upset or go crazy over JUST RUMORS.)[/QUOTE]w00t for ending the talk about rumors even though we all know rumors about a PSP2 will never end until its here :roll:I dont know what to expect from E3 but more great titles for the PSP, a personal wish would be a new Burnout. (Paradise)
As long as they announce some online shooters, then I'll be happy enough.
All I want from E3 is a psp2..............with 2 analog sticks! Sony is that hard?
Either the PSP 2 or the PSP-4000 will be announced. With more GTA, Killzone and God of War games for late 2009/early 2010 releases.
What I hope for:
- Denial of any new PSP
- Bunch of new games
- And it would be awesome if they made a trophy system
[QUOTE=''Zathic'']What I hope for:
- Denial of any new PSP
- Bunch of new games
- And it would be awesome if they made a trophy system
- A Trophy system would be cool. [/qoute]
Trophies for the PS3 are... addicting and annoying lol
[QUOTE=''Zathic'']Trophies for the PS3 are... addicting and annoying lol[/QUOTE]
Damn.....well whatever. I will try to ignore them....something I couldn't do on my Xbox 360.......
Release dates for the upcoming games. A decisive stand on the next hardware iteration.
All I want to see is the list of PSP games that Sony is supposed to be announcing.
i hope they'll announce new games for psp
I really hope they have a PSP2, but i doubt it...
A load of new features, like trophies. And i would like to see more of the games that have been mentioned. Socom bravo 3, Motorstorm, LBP, Assassins creed. And any new games that havent been released. WHAT ABOUT NEW KILLZONE!
Yes definetly MOARGAMEZ!!!!1!1 for PsP...and the trophy thingy would be nice too^^, i would like new naruto ultimate ninja on psp or some new awesome rpg games!!!!!!1111
Well, I'm not sure about my expectations, though I'm definitely hoping for a Sly Cooper game for the PSP! That would make this year perfect! :lol:
I hope they deny this PSP Go! rumor. Is it really necessary for them to release another PSP so soon? We all know it's not going to have dual analogs if announced so, console heads, stop hoping.I want them to announce a Resident Evil game with online for the PSP and Resident Evil 4 controls. Call it Outbreak File #0. That and Parasite Eve II and Resident Evil 2 on PSN.
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