Imagine this:Its a lovely wednesdayafternoon and you sitting inyour bench having a go at a wisecrackin' ubery PSP game. die cause the bell rings and your concentration fades. You open the door and some maggots meet you at the other side.
You: hello, what canI do for you?
Maggots: Hello, we are from sony and would like some of your time forfilling in a form
You: holy crap, you know.. you guys are like gods! did you know i had a PSP?
Maggotgods: The SIN told us (Sony intelligence Network), this is the question: what would you like on the PSP2?
You (instantly): second movingpad!
Maggotgods: sh*t up! we already got that from all the other whining clients, we search something great to defeat our archenemy nintendo! What WOULD youlike on the PSP2?
You: .... lemme thinkQuestion is simple: What would you like for the PSP2 orfor the next version?Maybe countless topics about this already exist srry in that caseGrtz,Reskaillev, keybladebearerthe ''whatyawantforPSP2'' form
- A non-glossy screen. Glare and fingerprints need to be NONEXISTENT
- A design that is small but that doesn't cramp my hands after 20 minutes
- Solid-state flash cards for games
- a 960x600 display
the ''whatyawantforPSP2'' form
ability to play ps2 games on the go
- A non-glossy screen. Glare and fingerprints need to be NONEXISTENT
[/QUOTE]That's impossible. You leave finger prints on everything you touch. They're just not reallyvisible on matte surfaces. Completely eliminating glare and fingerprints would result in an opaquescreen that doesn't display anything.Anyway, I just want a new storage medium. Something that I can stick in my pocket without worry.
My list:- I dont want my fingers to cramp, somake it aergonomic handheld!- Better movingpad- Better boxes (in some way the music i play on my psp doesnt feel right compared to other musicmediums)- A new option: play music with your psp while gaming! (always missed that function)- All the other things you guys said already!I think i can think of somre more, but there stilll is the element of surprise! so...SURPRISE ME SONY!!
All the rumors of it to be unture . THAT'S RIGHT I REFUSE TO SUPPORT A PSP THAT WILL HAVE NO UMD DRVIE. No backwards compatablity and the new game coming out will be on umd so a waste. -Option of listening to your music while playing games.
-Can't really think of anything else. Most of everything I want is Software and stuff from PSN like Ps2 games for PSP. I don't care much for a 2nd anolog stick. I perfectly fine with one.
- A non-glossy screen. Glare and fingerprints need to be NONEXISTENT
[/QUOTE]That's impossible. You leave finger prints on everything you touch. They're just not reallyvisible on matte surfaces. Completely eliminating glare and fingerprints would result in an opaquescreen that doesn't display anything.Anyway, I just want a new storage medium. Something that I can stick in my pocket without worry.[/QUOTE]
An opaque screen is definitely not what i meant :roll: I meant a screen finish like that of a DS. I hardly ever notice glare or fingerprints when i play it.
- A non-glossy screen. Glare and fingerprints need to be NONEXISTENT
[/QUOTE]That's impossible. You leave finger prints on everything you touch. They're just not reallyvisible on matte surfaces. Completely eliminating glare and fingerprints would result in an opaquescreen that doesn't display anything.Anyway, I just want a new storage medium. Something that I can stick in my pocket without worry.[/QUOTE] An opaque screen is definitely not what i meant :roll: I meant a screen finish like that of a DS. I hardly ever notice glare or fingerprints when i play it.[/QUOTE]I know what you meant. I was saying that to make glare and fingerprints nonexistent, the screen would end up being opaque because ofthe changes that would have to be made to the screen.P.S. I think the DS doesn't suffer as much from glare because of the screens being smaller and a little brighter. I'm not entirely sure what they did to make it almost playable in direct sunlight.
pretty simple the psp2 should have good games not like the psp which had like 6 good games lol rest of em were crappsp>nds -better hardwarends games> psp games- dosent matter if it has better hardware since they dot have te games to back it upbtw-internal hard drive-app store-two pads-no umd-better battery life-smaller not so big-no touch screen or camera call me old fanshion
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