Or you could just let people do what they want and spend their money however they choose.Why You Should Not Buy The PSP-3000
[QUOTE=''megagene'']Or you could just let people do what they want and spend their money however they choose.[/QUOTE]
Crazy talk!
[QUOTE=''megagene'']Or you could just let people do what they want and spend their money however they choose.[/QUOTE] And that is why i use the word SHOULD instead of MUST , dawg.
if the next psp is called the psp 280000001 with 2 analogs, an even bigger screen, easier user interface, and bundle with a new katamari game then i will buy it.
[QUOTE=''megagene'']Or you could just let people do what they want and spend their money however they choose.[/QUOTEyah, i think im gonna pick the new psp up when it comes out, i want a mic in there and go messenger is cool and it looks cooler to with the new button, ill buy it, ill try to keep up with any new releases
yea dont buy the psp 3001 wait for the 3002/3 because they have even better screens than the 3001, they will come when the new coloured psps come out.
Unless Gamespot is running a promotion for trading the 2000 for the 3000, i don't really care.
i just bought the 2000, i dont plan on trading it in
I had the old PSP which um imploded on me. I was planning to get the psp2000 with the GoW or madden but yeah, I guess Im going to buy the new PSP instead, unless people have any dirt on the 3000 that is.
If you have the money go for it. If you don't and just bought the new(not anymore) psp-2000 its not a good idea at all. Its not even a year since 2000 came out. Check out my blog and post your opinions on what I said.
There will be a 4000 and so on. Why shouldn't the technology be progressive? It's not like they are splitting their fanbase at all.Obviously if you think you are inclined to go out and get the new one, especially with such slight improvements then your just a naive magpie of a customer.This is clearly intended to reinvigorate interest in the PSP and make it more attractive to new consumers. Some old owners may upgrade but Sony on the whole is probably banking on that not being the case.
I hope you know, everyone here know they don't have to purchase this new model.Im getting it anyway. I've got the original model and it's not doing so hot.
[QUOTE=''danny5329'']Who knows there might be Psp-4000, Psp-5000, Psp-6000, Psp-7000 too in the near future, in the circle of PSP's lifespan.There is nothing so great of buying a new '' cherry on the top '' psp just for the sake of few improvements, Unless it has 2 analog sticks, it's not an improvement at all. After all , it's still the PSP , not PSP2.well, unless you do not have a psp yet, the 3000 is worth a consideration, although psp-2000 is good enough.[/QUOTE]So True my slim works just as good as a 3000 with out 2 things but thats why have a headset and that new screen dont care about BUT if sony made a psp with 4 triggers and 2 joysticks and can play ps2 i would be the frist too buy it
They should of atleast put a HDD in it. Than it MIGHT've been worth getting.
I don't have a PSP yet so this is great news for me. :)
I im definitely going to purchase one of these bad boi's since I just gave my nephew my phat for his b-day. The new screen (colors) should make a difference and the mic could come in handy down the road. The colors look wicked, especially that Mystic Silver :D
I dont care how many they release. Im not selling my 2001 till they get a second analog stick, built-in mic (which is happening), better online service, faster internet service, longer battery life and a few more things.
Buying a 3000 just for two upgraded features seems a bit wasteful to me, especially when I just bought my 2000 a few weeks ago.
Buying a 3000 just for two upgraded features seems a bit wasteful to me, especially when I just bought my 2000 a few weeks ago.
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