Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sliding PSP touch screen/ good or bad?

Rumor is that the new psp will have a sliding touch screen. I don't think i like the sounds of that but who knows? maybe cool, anyways i have a 3000 so that cool but why try and do what every other handheld does? i think people would much rather see another two numbs for better racing and shooting.Sliding PSP touch screen/ good or bad?
If it means you will get a keyboard, then it is probably an attractive idea.Sliding PSP touch screen/ good or bad?
i dont like that idea just bacause it is the same thing that everyone else is doing. I have a DS and PSP. i like the cool games the DS has but i like more of the press buttons to do stuff not touch a screen.
Touch screen would be good for some interesting new PSP games.Twin analogue sticks would be more welcome though, but i can't see them doing that until the proper ''PSP 2'' comes out, since it would mean new PSP titles that were specific to using two sticks that older PSP owners couldn't play.And that would suck and would annoy many loyal fans.
im not really feeling sliding , lots of things that have slide out screens tend to break easier/faster.
[QUOTE=''SicklySunStorm'']Touch screen would be good for some interesting new PSP games.Twin analogue sticks would be more welcome though, but i can't see them doing that until the proper ''PSP 2'' comes out, since it would mean new PSP titles that were specific to using two sticks that older PSP owners couldn't play.And that would suck and would annoy many loyal fans.[/QUOTE]

let me just be the first to say that the psp2 or the psp go will suck.
[QUOTE=''xboxfan321'']let me just be the first to say that the psp2 or the psp go will suck.[/QUOTE]

Yep if it anything like the rumors. ALSO I would hate sony for a logn time if they put a touch screen. 2 things: It's an obvious gimmick/trying to cash in due to DS's amazing sales, and well Touch screens isn't the most responsive technology. Plus I have big fingers...
instead of a slideing touch screen they should have a slideing keyboard. I still want the touch screen though.
Sony would only admit defeat to the DS with a touch screen adn the PSP doesn't really need it. The sliding screen is a double edged sword. If there's a keyboard under it, then it is and interesting idea and an improvement, but the sliding screen could also easily break off. Besides, if the rumors about the next redesign are true, then the big thing I worry about is the lack of UMD-drive. Am I the only one who thinks that's a stupid idea? Digital distribution won't work on the long run.
The idea doesn't really attract me. I love DS games, but I would much rather a game use the bottom screen as a map rather than making the player control the game with the touch screen. I'm not sure why, I just don't like touch screen controls.
The buttons , the d-pad and the analog are the things a gamer is used to. That's why the touch screen feels strange.
Firstly; the psp is amazing as it is.

There are a few hardware flaws, but that's about it.

Gaming flaws? ..Not really, apart from when you're playing a first-person shooter, e.g. Medal of Honour, it's a tad annoying using the buttons (X, O, [] and Triangle) to look around in-game.

The only thing I'd suggest Sony change with the psp in the psp2 would most likely be another analogue stick, the whole idea of a touch screen wouldn't work at all. Could you guys possibly imagine playing Final Fantasy XIII Agito on touch? I couldn't, maybe i'm being a bit harsh seen as though i'm as loyal as any psp fan could ever get *Hugs psp proudly then whispers* shh, no one knows you're homebrew, yet.

And think about it, the screen would annoy tons of gamers, with it getting smudged almost constantly, gamers losing their stylus or whatever object they're using to ''touch'' the screen with and if you're like me, you leave your psp to charge on a glass table with a box of magnets (yes magnets, those toy-like things.. which are amazingly fun to play with) underneath, the psp2 would't last a day, the pixels would get distorted and it'd just get shagged... So, no; PSP Sliding Touch Screen.. Bad, pretty much in every way possible.. Sony should think of another way to compete with Nintendo, possibly by not sinking to their level.
good idea
[QUOTE=''chargingcable'']good idea[/QUOTE]

Wurf wurf.

good idea

[/QUOTE] Wurf wurf.[/QUOTE]

Bark Bark *bad Idea* Bark

good idea

[/QUOTE] Wurf wurf.[/QUOTE]

Bark Bark *bad Idea* Bark[/QUOTE]



lululululul. XD
just thinking about all those broken, taped together, sliding phones makes me shiver when i think of a sliding PSP. Besides the PSP has always attracted a more ''hardcore'' gaming crowd than other portables and ''hardcore'' gamers love buttons! If there was a touch screen it would be better if they restricted to particular games or just as a menu interface.
And that takes out the need for a touch screen. Nobody needs it for a menu. The d-pad is good enough to navigate.
I think PSP is fine without the touch screen. If it were to become slidescreen at least add a qwerty keyboard under and 2 analog sticks..... I'm all the way with UMDs though.

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