Saturday, April 10, 2010

PSP 2 Revealed?

think this is true 2 Revealed?
gullible much? PSP 2 Revealed?
probably not unfortunately.
[QUOTE=''david1233'']probably not unfortunately.[/QUOTE]

erghh please no touch screen
It's not touch screen. didn't you see the analog sticks?
[QUOTE=''david1233'']It's not touch screen. didn't you see the analog sticks?[/QUOTE]

with the big icons, looked likea touch screen, could easily be both. if it wasnt touch screen it would be awesome....although slightly awquared to hold. did you see that other image similar to that from way back? wish that existed.
what's wrong with you?! it's aprils fools today
i hope not. it looks terrible and disgusting.
I beg sony not to make that.
April 1st. :lol:
It's a rectangle with a 40:9 widescreen...
looks like piece of crap
Nope. I kinda doubt that there will be a touch screen on the psp2.
[QUOTE=''MFDABADKID'']think this is true[/QUOTE]not even a sorta funny april fools joke. looks like garbage. and its not in english so i cant tell what it says. sounds like a fanboy site anyways.
Looks very awkward to hold, glad it's fake.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
FAKE!!!! itz ugly and weird lookin anywayz wtf.
april fools
I truly don't like touch screens because they break so easily. At least in my experience.

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