Saturday, April 10, 2010

Portable Ops sequel - do you think there ...

I have one honest question - Do you guys think it's possible that there will be a Portable Ops sequel coming sometime? We all know the game is great, it sold well (I'm a proud owner myself, but I don't have PO+), Kojima expressed the desire to make a sequel, and there are rumors of new MGS projects coming. Now I know that most likely it will be an updated version of MGS 4 or something, but I can't help but hope that one day one of my favorite handheld games will get a sequel. So the question is up: Will Big Boss come back to PSP someday?Portable Ops sequel - do you think there ...
There will most likely be more projects from Kojima, I can't promise that It will be a sequel to Portable Ops.Portable Ops sequel - do you think there ...
I hope so
Let's hope for the best. Sony goes agressively on the PSP, and MPO sold well. Another MGS game is just what the PSP needs to get the hardcore users excited. Also, miracles are all over the place nowadays. Soulcalibur and another Tekken games were mere crazy dreams for us, and now look at Namco Bandai treating us with real fighting action. The chances for a new MGS game are even better, considering the fact that Hideo Kojima is perhaps the greatest Sony fanboy ever :p
I really doubt it, but I hope I'm wrong...
I never got PO but I got PO+ and hated it. There was nothing to do, no story, boring. If they do make a new Metal Gear Game I hope it is like a metal gear game and have a story.
^^^PO had a story. PO+ did not, as it was a simple expansion on simply the online playmgs:po is a legit metal gear game, and a very good one at that.just look at its reviews
kirby, I couldn't say it better myself. PO had a story, and that story was a great one. Big Boss is the greatest MGS character ever.
This was on PSPfanboy. Youll have to scroll down abit.'' Unsurprisingly, there's a brand new Metal Gear game coming out. No, Kojima Production's countdown isn't over yet (that's later today!). A listing at a Japanese 7-Eleven product database reveals that an upcoming issue of Famitsu PSP+PS3 will feature a brand new Metal Gear game. The magazine is scheduled to ship next week on May 30.

We're pretty certain the upcoming Kojima Productions reveal is somehow tied to this upcoming Famitsu story. Considering the game will be featured in a PlayStation-exclusive magazine makes it a pretty safe bet that the game will arrive on either PS3 or PSP. Perhaps handheld players will get a chance at a new Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops experience -- Konami indicated its interest in a sequel over two years ago. ''
i hope there's one
Hideo said he wanted to work on one. it sold good the only problem is the piracy on the psp makes it hard. i am also a proud owner of The Awesome UMD and i want to see more
Piracy is no big deal with a franchise like MGS, as there are countless hardcore fans who would pay the game's weight in gold. MGS is not really the series that is a big victim of piracy. Sure, people download it, but all the MGS games sell well. Konami always get their profits after those titles.
Let's hope so. I own both PO and PO+ and i really liked them. I don't think it's going to be a sequel though. I don't know if there is such a gap in the series ,in which will fit a whole game. So , it will probably have Raiden as the main character and it will be taking place after the events of MGS 4...I think that Kojima himself has stated that ?

PO had a story. PO+ did not, as it was a simple expansion on simply the online play

mgs:po is a legit metal gear game, and a very good one at that.

just look at its reviews[/QUOTE]

that explains it. I guess I will have to go buy Metal Gear PO because PO+ was boring, had no story, and just didn't interest me. It's kidna hard to find most of the Metal Gear Games for the PSP though...
i kind of agree MGS PO had no story. Well it felt like it didnt. Since it was more like do a generic stage, come back and get comic cut scene. Instead of it being fluid.
[QUOTE=''Darth_Tic-Tac'']Big Boss is the greatest MGS character ever.[/QUOTE]I want a sequel, even though it's my least favorite MGS game, it's my third favorite PSP. And like someone already said, Kojima wants a sequel for it.Heck yeah, Big Boss is the best MGS character.
If they make one, great, but I'm not a big fan of PO. Didn't like it too much.
I really hope they make one, but they need a better engine. The last one was good for the characters, but the enviroments where plain and boring. They need at least an engine like Monster Hunters or Crisis Core. And they should drop that comic cutscenes, I WANT REAL TIME Cutscenes like in Crisis Core, or prerendered ones.
I think those comic cutscenes were great. They gave the game a weird sense of style. I loved them! I'd be more than glad to see a similar solution in a future game.
im thinking the sequel would be a 3D remake of metal gear and metal gear 2 solid snake.

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